We're teaming up with Staedtler for the Show Us Your Face Sweepstakes! July 16 2015
I keep saying it, we meet the greatest people where ever we go! We recently met with the AWESOME folks at Staedtler and hit it off right away! We decided to team up for a really fun idea called the Show Us Your Face Sweepstakes that lets everyone show off their twisted creations! Starting August 1st and running through November 1st, sweepstakes participants can submit pictures of their awesome drawings for $500 cash or hundreds of dollars in art supplies! We are so excited to see what everyone will draw. The awesome folks at Staedtler went a step further and are giving everyone who buys a board a FREE 4-pack of colored dry erase markers while supplies last! You can enter multiple times as well, up to one per day as long as the drawings are different. Can't wait to see what everyone draws! Cheers!